Augmented Reality
Physical resonance relationships to digital content have always atrophied into the same rudimentary gestures in the classic computer situation (mouse-keyboard monitor) as well as in touch devices.
Following Flusser, this work tried to expand the gesture repertoire. An interface was developed to make gestures, whose origins can be found in the everyday handling of things or space, useful for the handling of simulated objects. The concept of bodily memory comes into play here.
In bodily memory, copies of brain impulses are transmitted via the nervous system to certain organs of the human body, which are subject to processes of conditioning when repeated, analogous to the cerebral memory function. Four examples of movement behavior are shown here: prehuman gesture, trained emblematic gesture, posture (pantomimics) and distance control (proxemics). Further examples can be found in the documentation.
Documentation & further examples:
→ Grundlagen und Proben am Gefüge Mensch-Maschine-Mensch in erweiterten Realitäten

Human Capital KHS